Key Performance Indicator's data score
The graph presents the average yield per cow per day, and the average DIM with results per specific day with the choice of lactation option.
Fig. 1 Key Performance Indicator's data tab
The top three widgets show the following KPIs, calculated for the last 24 hours and compared with the average of the last 7 days.
Average yield per cow per day: average milk production per animal per day in kilograms/pounds.
Average DIM for herd: average days in milk for all milking animals. The optimal average is between 150 and 170 days.
Average yield per VMS: average milk yield per VMS milking station in kilograms/pounds. The recommended value is above 2000 kg per milking station.

KPIs with respective time periods
The following KPIs are presented in the respective periods of the time: Last 24 hours, Last week, Average 30 days, Average 90 days:
Total milking time (hh:mm:ss): Average total milking duration per milking station (includes all VMS milking stations) per day.
Average total yield per day (kg): Average total yield of all VMS milking stations.
Average yield per milking (kg).
Average harvest flow (kg/min): Average milk flow (Total Yield / Total Milking Time).
Average number of milkings per day: Total number of milkings of all VMS milking stations.
Average number of milkings per animal per day: average milking frequency per cow.
Average time per milking (mm:ss): Average milking duration for one milking.
Average incomplete per milking station (%): Average number of incompletes per VMS milking station.
Average kick-offs per milking station (%): Average number of kick-offs per VMS milking station.